Writers who want to submit articles:

  1. Please have your article complete, ideally between 500 and 1,500 words with accompanying images, and ready for publication.

  2. Please email your writing piece to with the subject line “Writing Submission - *Your Name*”

  3. Please actually write your name and not “*Your Name*”

  4. We will get back to you within a week if we are interested in featuring your work!

Artists who want to promote events, showings, drops, etc:

  1. Press releases can be sent to for potential consideration with the subject line “Press Release”

  2. If you would like to partner on sponsored or advertorial content please let us know in your email by adapting your subject line to “Sponsored Content” or “Advertorial” accordingly.

Beautiful people interested in advertising with us:

  1. Potential advertisers are encouraged to email us at with the subject line “Advertiser,” and we will reply with a copy of our Advertising deck within 24hrs.

Interested in another kind of submission?

  1. Contact us with as many details as possible on social media or at and we will try to reply ASAP!